Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm sorry to my viewers that I have been gone for so long...Life as all may know has its ups and downs and right night i'm on the hill coming back up so forgive me and know that the new postings will be better than ever I have alot to talk about love you all Marques

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


People say he made a mistake
By not selecting Hilary as Vice President
I say he made the choice that he felt would better the country

Some say he will be our first Black President
and yes this is true but only half way
Remember people he is half white

Now If people can see whom the Obamas
Remind the world of
We will see the Dr. Marting Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott-King
Really made it into the White House

Our country is in shambles
Our economy is at lost
and John McCain is apart of the problem

Republicans rulled for eight years and its time for the reign to end
People People we need to vote
We need our voices heard

Some say our votes don't count
Thats because we don't vote
If we take Intiative things will change

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Now as we all may know the Bet awards came on last night and was it ever something special. Lets Start with Usher Performance I was real dissappointed in him. I know he can do a hell of alot better than what he did. You opened the show and the performance was a little weak, don't get me wrong it had more over Britney Spears VMA opening but it still lacked luster.

Rihanna- I love her dearly but what exactly was she wearing and her performance should have been a little better the video was much better than her performance yesterday. Now she did do a well job with the vocals and what the meaning of the song was but i just wish she could have done a little more.

Al Green- Talk about music he set the bar but noot high enough. He is a legend and a great whatever he does it turns to gold....Congradulations to him.

Quincey Jones- the mastermind of life and all music. Why did Michale Jackson not show up why was Diana Ross not there why was all the greats, the legends kings and queens not there to honor him in his accalade. But anyway Quincey I cogradulate you with much respect and thank you for be an influence on many, now we all know it its time to retier Quincey happy be-lated birthday turned 75 many people my age can't even say that.

Jill Scott- Damn Damn Damn you did your thing right along with Maxwell and the other singer I apologize for not remembering your name.

Now the higlight performance of them all, a performance that even beats out Beyonce was Alicia Keys. Yes girl what you did was a classic. To first re-invent the steps to the school daze dance and then started singing weak then bringing out SWV, then Envouge, and last but not least TLC all the girl groups that we miss. Her performance was outstanding.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I can't take no more: chapter 5

The Phone calls
Well who should I call first Rafeek or Mark, lets go with Rafeek first. Kevin was a ittle nervous when calling these two men because this was all new to him. Befre this everything was set in stone s to speak for Kevin, and now he is going to be living wit a complete stranger. What questions do he ask? what informatin should he require?
"Hello this s Kevn mnay I speak with Rafeek?"
"This is he' Rafeek said with one of the most deep sensual voices that Kevin has ever heard.
"Well I am returning your call about the apartment"
"That's good so tell me about the apartment?"
"Well it is a two bedroom one bathroom apartment. It has a full kitchen, living room, dining room, and balcolny. It is fully furnished as well as the second bedroom. It has wall-to-wall carpeting, cable, laundry room insie the apartment, controlled access entry way, and close to public transportation and central air, and water is paid for. We split the bill of gas, electricity, rent, and food. Sounds good?'
"yeah but I have another question"
"sure what is it?"
"well how is my roommate?"
"well I am a great person to live with, I'm clean and like for my place to be clean, I cook, and work'
'thats well when can I see the place?"
"you can see it today if you would like"
"I would like that very much"
"well the address is 5515 Larchwood street apartment number 3. Just buzz me and I'll let you up"
'ok I will sexy"
Anticipating the visit from Rafeek, Kevin could not forget that he had to call Mark.
"Hello this is Kevin may I speak with Mark"
"Hold on" Kevin could hear all types of screams coming from the other end "Mark who the fuck is this Kevin nigga calling our house?"
"I don't know"
"Then how the fuck did he get the number and your damn name?"
"Baby please don't start with me"
"Don't start with you nigga please I am not even there yet first off why the fuck is some other nigga calling our house asking for you? you cheating on me again?"
After hearing that Kevin knew that Mark was nothing but drama so he quickly placed his phone back on the recevier. Kevin started t head for the kitchen to go make some snacks for his encounter until his phone rang.
"Hey Kevin this is Mark I'm sorry about what happened I'm going through a messy break-up"
"But look i am interested in the apartment, and would like to come see it"
"Sure you can"
"OK whats ya address"
"5515 Larchwood street apartment number 3"
"Aiight Imma be there"
Despit the drama that Kevin heard, he thought it would be in fair judgement that he let each prospective tenant get there fair share. Hey who knows he may be the best candidate.
Kevin finally went to the kitchen to get snacks prepared, he made finger sandwiches, chips, and drinks. He made sure the house was nice and clean and smelling good. Hey its what he did best. He quickly cleaned up both rooms and placed the refreshments on the dining room table. A little nervous but ready to get a roommate.
Bth guys arrived at the house at the same exact time, Kevin buzzed them in and was waiting at the door for them to arrive. Both handsome men arrived greating Kevin with a smile and a handshake. Rafeek was a sexy dark skin, 6'1, muscular built guy. He had some pretty white teeth and sexy lips. His pants were not saggy at all but yet still composed his masculinity. Mark on the other hand was a light skin, 5'9", thin guy. His pants where halfway off his ass, and he just looked ruff.
"So you guys come in have a look around, hold all questins to the end I will meet you in the dining room for some refreshments."
"Ok" They both said. Rafeek let Mark enter first and just looked at Kevin
"your not going to check the place out"
"yeah I am but yu are just strikingly sexy. I would like a personal tour"
"Sure. Lets Begin" Kevin showed Rafeek around the apartment forgetting that Mark was even there. Rafeek took every attempt he could to get Kevin alone. They both had this attraction towards each other that was just fantastic. Upon finishing the tour with Rafeek, Kevin noticed Mark sitting at the table snacking on some refreshments.
"Y these are realy good, I never had something so tasty in my life, yo my jawn don't cook like this maybe I need to make you my new jawn" Mark said trying to seductivly entice Kevin.
'Well thank you, but i do not think I am ready for another relationship just yet." Kevin knew he was lieing cause his every facet being was telling him to jump Rafeek bones.
"So tell what do yall do for a living"
"Well I am a street pharmacist" Mark said with confidence
"Me I am a professional dancer at night on the weekends and on weekdays I am a youth outreach counsulor"
"so how much do you make if you do not mind me asking?"
"well on a good day on the corner I can make $1,000"
"me from dancing in tips I make close to 1,500 on one day on the weekdays I get paid 560 a week"
"well Mark and Rafeek I would get back with the one I choose. Rafeek could you stay a little longer?"
"Mark I will be in touch" Kevin escourted Mark out the door and locked it.
"So Kevin why did you want me to stay?"
"I wanted to ask when can you move in?"
"Why me?"
"Well you are the best candidate for a roommate. You have your head on straight and have a great going lifestyle. Well your half of the rent will be 250, the half of the gas is 150, electricity half of it is 100, and grocery I go by we both make a list of things we would like individually and then the things we need together and the price will be divided from there."
"Sounds good. Well when do I get my key?"
"Today if you would like!"
"That would be great"
"OK you can follow me to my bedroom so I can get the keys"
" don't think that is good"
"because I may try to do something with you sexy"
"ok I'll go get the key. I will be right back."
"Ok I'll just be in the room designed for me, Whenever I move into a new place I like to get everything new and not keep old memories."
"OK I will be right there"

I can't take no more: chapter 4

A week has passed and I have not felt more alive. I just got my first job at this accounting firm. It don't pay much just enough for me to at least pay half of the rent. I can't continue to live like this I have to get a roommate and this has to be done fast. Let me place this add in the papers. I would put it on Craigslist but I don't have the Internet any longer. "Looking for an apartment.......Don't mind having a roommate. Well look no further The perfect place is found. A two bedroom apartment already furnished and everything. If this sounds like something you like call 418-339-0087 and ask for Kevin." The time is now 8pm and Kevin just got off work. Look at this.....15 messages. "Hello Kevin I must take it your not home. Well my name is Rafeek and I read your ad in the Philadelphia Gay tribune. I know you live in the sub-burbs but I am willing to live out there. Well if you could give me a call back at 215-687-2130" Sounds promising Let me wright his name down. Message 2 "Hey Kevin this is Brandon and I just read you apartment ad in the paper and it sounds promising. right now I don't have a job at the moment but...." and delete i need someone with a job right now.... Message three "Hey Kev this is Mark well I found your number in the paper about the apartment. Call me back at 267-300-8879 right now I'm on my 15 minute break at work and my boss is a real bitch if I'm late." Message 4-14 were all the same "Hey Kevin yo man staying a week in this shit hole made me really think...." This better not be Rick "Well I take it you know its me Rick and I'm calling you to talk to you about us you know. Like I really miss you and I love you. Cheating on you was the stupidest move I could ever make you know. I really am thinking about all the things you have done for me and the way that I treated you. Yo I only have two minutes left so imma let you know I love you and I want you to visit me OK bye" Man fuck that nigga he ain't shit. Calling me its only been a week. Man he a little bitch I bet he want some money. I should go visit him but I got other things to do like get a roommate. Message 15 "Kevin this is your mother. Boy you better start calling me. I heard through the grapevine that you were having trouble with your love life and was in need of some financial money. You know you can call me as much money as I have I can loan you a couple hundred or whatever your my son and you better call me now." Aw my mommy let me call her "Hello"
"Hey mom hows it going"
"Boy hows it going you have not called me came to see me or even check to see if I was alive....Boy I ought to come out there and beat your ass like you was three."
"Mom I'm sorry"
"I'm not done yet. I heard about that boy beating on you and cheating and stuff and now he in jail...Boy now I told you about him I told you he was no good and that he would end up breaking your heart. Why don't kids listen to their parents at all we know from experience. And I know you are sitting their with the phone away from your ear right now but guess what I'm loud enough to know that you can still hear me. Kevin baby I love you you are my baby boy but I have to know whats going on. Did not call me in three months don't let this shit happen again. I know your looking for a roommate cause I stop talking to your landlord to let you slide on the rent and stuff and I've been paying your bills behind your back yeah that was me I was the grace of God to keep you in a heated house and all you know your room is the same way you left it if you ever feel the need to want to come back until you get back on your feet....Now you can talk"
"Mom hi I'm good I'm well....I have a job now and I am happy I am looking for a roommate yes and the search is going well. I have two people to call later tonight and schedule a interview. Mom I'm OK I don't need to come home I can manage my life now. Mom I thank you for doing what you did and I love you for it also. Mom I'm glade to hear that your doing fine and all. My love life is great being that I am single now and I am looking to go back to school for Interior Decorating so I'm ready to start my life a new."

I can't take no more: chapter 3

Its been three weeks now since you have been gone. After I walked up the stairs I just knew you were leaving, foolish of me to get turned on by your thugish appeal and belive you once again. Damn boy I still love you and can't get you off my mind. What am I going to do....Well i'm going to have to swallow my pride and get a job. Hope your having fun in there....don't drop the soap. Always but no longer yours,

Three weeks ago.....Rick "Who the fuck Kevin think he talking to...I'm the man around here and he the bitch. Stupid motherfucker. Making make my own food fuck this, I aint walking up them damn steps and having sex with that fool. Looking like he got something. I know he fucking around, punk mother fucker. Let me see this letter." Rick picks up the letter and walks to the stove and starts to burn the letter. " 'oh baby I got a letter for you' hahaha a letter my ass what he needs to do is fill out an application or something to occupy the time he waste. Everytime I come in this house its always smeeling like two motherfucking faggots lives here, smelling like fucking peaches and cream or apples and cinnamon. Fuck outta here with that fruity shit. Know what when I walk out this door I aint never coming the fuck back." Rick leaves and slams the door behind him. Thinking that Rick was going to come in but now realize that he left Kevin jumped up and had a sudden realization, this nigga was not worth wasteing time to please anymore. So he picks up the phone, puts on his most convincing voice, and dials 911.
"Hello 911 whats your emergency?" pretending that he is crying "someone just stole my car" "well where are you at?"
"i live at 3336 Newport Street"
"what kind of car is it?" "its a blue Chevy Impala. with tinted windows and gold trim on the side of the doors with the letters K and R"
"can you give me the License Plate number?"
"yes it is Y2K-3369"
"well sir when was it stolen?"
"I don't know I just walked outside for some fresh air and it was gone"
"well i'm sending patrols cars out to look for it stay in the house. If we shall find the one who done it would you like to press charges?"
"Hell Yes" Kevin starts to smile very evil like. He knows that if Rick gets back in jail for something as big as this he aint coming out for a while. And besides that Kevin knows that he's going to pick up some weed and maybe even cocain while on the way to Robs house, and to put the iceing on the cake Kevin bought an unmarked gun and placed it specifically in the glove department after whiping all his finger prints off of it.

In the car: "Now I know this nigga got some fucking muisic in this bitch" Rick goes to open the glove department and sees the gun "oh shit whats this...this nigga bought a gun. He probably was thinking about shooting a nigga. Jokes on that bitch I got the dick and the gun he my slave for ever." Ricks pulls out of the parking lot and did not notice Kevin stareing at him in the window while talking on the phone to the cops. As he started to speed off, Kevin went to the kitchen to finish making the sandwhich that rick once started on making. He then opicked up the phone and called his mom and started telling her what was going on and for help. She wired two thousand dollars to his account and that was all he knew he had to find a job quick. As Rick was driving down the highway and blasting Beyonce "Ring the Alarm" a cop car came up behind him. Their sirens turned on, and Rick pulled over. "Yes officer?"
"Can I see your Licsense and proof of insurance?"
"sure officer"
"stay here while I run this." The officer went back into his car and called the station informing them that the stolen car was founded and they will search it for any concealed wepons or drugs. "sir can you step out of the car while my partner checks the vehicle?" as Rick steped out, the officer positioned him on the car so that he can search him for anything. "sir do you have anything on you that could do me harm"
"no officer" As the cop started to check Rick his hand came upon something hard so he pulled it out. It was the GUN. "Sir i'm going to have to place you under aresst"
"But it aint mine like thats my friends its his car and he let me borrow it"
"Hey Mack look what else I found"
"Well looky here seems like we got a pound of marijuana"
"Thats not mine either I don't even smoke"
"Yeah tell it to the have the right to remain silent anything you say will be held against you in the court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you do not have an attorney then one will be appointed for you....."


The Hearing: "Rick Stedmen Jones you are here by prosecuted with possesion of a deadly weapon, posseion of marijuana, and grand theft auto, how do you plead."
"Do you have any witnesses to alibi your action choice of words?"
"No your honor"
"District Attorney do you have any witness?"
"Yes your honor I would like to call Kevin Jamal James to the stand"
"Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"
"I do"
"Mr. James is it true that on the day in question Mr. Jones unlawfully took your car?"
"yes it is"
"No futhur questions your honor"
"Mr. Jones the court here by charge you guilty of posseision of marijuana and a conceled weapon, and also grand theft auto and the court also sentences you to 6 years imprisonment without the possibility of parol." As Kevin listened to the verdict a smile of victory whiped across his face and at that point Rick turned to him and gave him the evil eye. All Kevin could do was whisper "I'll Write you Boo" and blew him a kiss.

I can't tak no more: Chapter two

The ride home was one of complete silence. No questions, no talking, nothing, not even the radio was playing. All that is heard is the sound of the engine. As Kevin and Rick gets home, Rick quickly runs into the house and gets on the phone. Slowly after Kevin walks in looking just ready to cry. "Yo nigga why you put me in jail like that" Rick says into the phone.
"Damn you could not even wait or anything before calling that nigga"
"What you say baby"
"Naw I was just playing you know you my baby Rob. Hold on wife....a yo Kevin can you make me a sandwich with everything on it a nigga is hungry"
"Hell naw"
"I said Hell naw if you got enough strength to come in here jump on the phone with the nigga who put you in jail in the first place then you got that strength to go make you your own damn sandwich. And least we not forget this is not the first time I bailed your ass out"
"A yo shut the fuck up and go make my food before I come over there and bust you upside your head!!!"
"Nigga you just gonna have to do what you got to do cause I'm tired of taking your shit nigga" "Hold on baby" Rick walks over to Kevin sitting on the coach. He raise his hand but then quickly lowers it when he sees that Kevin is not shaking in fear as he usually did. "What the fuck got into you? You know you make me cheat right?"
"I make you cheat?"
"How Rick?"
"well you stop giving me the pussy and shit you know always complaining that your to tired and shit like what the fuck do you do all day but lay on your ass while I'm out working like a slave" "Oh your working like a slave, Nigga please. If you was working like a slave then we will not have past due bills, credit card debt will not be adding up, yeah that shit is happening but by the gracious of God we still have everything. I don't do shit Nigga look around, this fucking house has not a speck of dirt nor dust, look in that refrigerator filled to the breaking point, look at your clothes clean and folded, when you come home do you not have a hot meal waiting for you? do you not have that fucking flat screen already cued on to the games, not to mention there's a second flat screen so you can watch the basketball and football game at the same time. Look around fool who has done this me. Everyday for three years I have cooked, cleaned, and treated you like nothing but a king and what do you do cheat. Nigga I don't even leave the house unless I have to buy food or cleaning supplies. Nigga You got it made and at first I thought I had it too but now this nigga Rob comes in the picture gives you some ass and all of a sudden its bye bye to the guy who nursed you while you was sick, called your job to let them know you were not coming in, rub your ugly ass feet when they was hurt, ran you a hot bath, cooked your food, washed your clothes and your car. So yeah I deserve to be tired but that's not no type of an excuse to go out and cheat on me."
"Whatever nigga I'm going to go make my sandwich and when I came back you better be in the room naked"
"And if I'm not?"
"Listen I'm sorry, I love you now can you please just go upstairs and be naked for daddy?"
"OK" As Kevin started to walk up the stairs Rick runs to the phone and tells Rob to make sure he ready for daddy dick in about five minutes.

I can't take no more: Chapter 1

Its been five years, six months, three days, two hours, and fourteen seconds since the day you told me I loved you; and now I hear nothing. What happened to us? Where did we go wrong? What did I do to make you distrust me? I was so faithful to you and now this is what I deserve. I never flirted with anyone all the time I was with you. All I did was go to work, go to school, come home cook you food, wash your nasty ass underwear and socks and shit, and what do I get in return......A "I love you" NO, a "Thank You Baby" No: all I get is a kiss on the cheek and a GOOD JOB BABY; Good Job Baby Nigga Fuck You. Negro who you fucking with? You come home and have to get into the shower all of a sudden....and yeah I read the text message on your phone, Who the fuck is Rob?....he said and I quote "Who was you fucking last night?" you was with me and if that's a problem then I don't think you should be with me. Rick who...what am I to you? What? I love you but I can't take no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Your once Boo Kevin In the background music starts to play Whitney Houston hit "Heartbreak Hotel" Kevin gets up off the couch in the Living Room and heads toward the kitchen, passing the rectangular shaped dinning room table and the China Closet that was once filled with love notes and pictures is now filled with debris and half cut photos that were once so cherished. In the kitchen is the normal items but one item is different and that is this big ten foot stuffed bear with a picture of Kevin and Rick on the stomach of that bear. Kevin goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of Alize and then goes get a cup, pours the Alize in the cup turns and faces the bear. "Damn that bear cost....hell if I know, I wasn't spending my money at all. (Smiles slightly) I remember when you brung that bear home, I was so ecstatic and filled with joy. It took you a pretty minute to bring it in too, had me all blindfolded and stuff (smiles softly to himself). Boy was that a surprise. I had to cut the stove off just to see what you did. (Going back into depressed mood) I loved you and I still love you but I don't know if you love me anymore. You stop holding me, you stop giving me my goodnight kiss, what happened? Let me not get into this again. Fuck him" (The phone rings) "hello" "Hey baby" "hey" "what's wrong?" "What so ever do you mean?" "You just don't sound like yourself right now" "Well you have a letter waiting for you when you come home" "ok...but before that baby can you come get me?" "Why where are you?" "I'm in jail, and I need you to bail me out" "ok what time?.......hold on.......hello" (Kevin clicks over even though he knows that the phone will hang up on Ricks end because this is not the first time Rick has been bailed out by Kevin) "Kevin?!" "Who is this?" "Don't worry about that bitch....tell your man the next time he put his hands on me that motherfucker is going to die a fatal death!!!!!" (hangs up the phone abruptly) "Hello....hello" Kevin hangs up the phone in a very angry manner. "Let me go get this fool" As Kevin was driving down to the precinct an old school song comes on the radio TLC hit "Scrub" and then "Unpretty" came on, and following after that "waterfalls" came on. "Oh shit three songs back to back to back, all songs that caught my soul and made me think of my relationship and the incident that just happened over the phone. You know what I'm just gonna let him read that letter and when he try's to talk that bull shit I'm not going to believe it. On the Radio- "An exclusive joint by Beyonce called ‘I can't take no more'" "Damn if this song did not come on at a more perfect time" At the time the song came on Kevin arrived at the precinct and he sat in the car until the song went off. "Hi I'm hear to bail Rick Stedmen Jones out" "Well his bail is set at five hundred dollars a cheap amount but his offense was not that vital" "Well what was he charged for?" "Indecent exposure and assault lucky the guy whom he assaulted does not want to press heavy charges against him." "Thank God, can I write out a check?" "Yes you can" "Hear you go" "Thank you just take this paper to the second floor office number three and they will release him" "Ok thank you very much" "Oh your welcome sexy" Kevin did as he was told and they did release Rick out. As they was walking out they walked past the officer again "Hey you be good Mr. Johnson or else we may have to book you again and this time it will be for much, much longer" "Yea whatever" "Thank you again" "No problem stop by again I will be here waiting" As the officer said that Rick caught the flirting and quickly put his hand on Kevin ass. "Punk ass nigga, I'll see you again" the officer said smiling canivingly

I thought it over

I had some time to think

And before I really was not ready

I could not take that leap

Into a commitment that was not for me

I love you with all my heart

And I can never part from you

That's why I say I'm ready now

I'm ready to take that next step

I'm ready to say its only for you

I'm ready to say temptation can't tempt me

Cause I'm ready for you

I'm ready for you to be my one and only

I'm ready to hold you

I'm ready to come home to you at night

And say baby everything is alright

I'm ready baby and I hope I did not take to long

To tell you I thought it over

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Hearts Cantent

I feel as though I am standing in a world full of disgust
Not disgust for my fellow man but for me
I am alone

No one is here to lend a helping hand
No one is here to say they understand
I am the rift that causes two distant lovers two part
I am the sacred posion in their hearts

I feel beaten down and worn out
Trying my best to wash the scorns out
Getting them to wash away my fears
Getting them to whip away my tears

I am a lonely soul in search of a home
In search of the one place I can call my own
I am the ink on this page
Just to be read discarded and thrown away
I am something that I know not of
Maybe I am the green eyed monster
Maybe I am Prometheus
Being pecked away day after day
Or maybe I am that empty vastness
I walk through everyday