Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I can't take no more: Chapter 1

Its been five years, six months, three days, two hours, and fourteen seconds since the day you told me I loved you; and now I hear nothing. What happened to us? Where did we go wrong? What did I do to make you distrust me? I was so faithful to you and now this is what I deserve. I never flirted with anyone all the time I was with you. All I did was go to work, go to school, come home cook you food, wash your nasty ass underwear and socks and shit, and what do I get in return......A "I love you" NO, a "Thank You Baby" No: all I get is a kiss on the cheek and a GOOD JOB BABY; Good Job Baby Nigga Fuck You. Negro who you fucking with? You come home and have to get into the shower all of a sudden....and yeah I read the text message on your phone, Who the fuck is Rob?....he said and I quote "Who was you fucking last night?" you was with me and if that's a problem then I don't think you should be with me. Rick who...what am I to you? What? I love you but I can't take no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Your once Boo Kevin In the background music starts to play Whitney Houston hit "Heartbreak Hotel" Kevin gets up off the couch in the Living Room and heads toward the kitchen, passing the rectangular shaped dinning room table and the China Closet that was once filled with love notes and pictures is now filled with debris and half cut photos that were once so cherished. In the kitchen is the normal items but one item is different and that is this big ten foot stuffed bear with a picture of Kevin and Rick on the stomach of that bear. Kevin goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of Alize and then goes get a cup, pours the Alize in the cup turns and faces the bear. "Damn that bear cost....hell if I know, I wasn't spending my money at all. (Smiles slightly) I remember when you brung that bear home, I was so ecstatic and filled with joy. It took you a pretty minute to bring it in too, had me all blindfolded and stuff (smiles softly to himself). Boy was that a surprise. I had to cut the stove off just to see what you did. (Going back into depressed mood) I loved you and I still love you but I don't know if you love me anymore. You stop holding me, you stop giving me my goodnight kiss, what happened? Let me not get into this again. Fuck him" (The phone rings) "hello" "Hey baby" "hey" "what's wrong?" "What so ever do you mean?" "You just don't sound like yourself right now" "Well you have a letter waiting for you when you come home" "ok...but before that baby can you come get me?" "Why where are you?" "I'm in jail, and I need you to bail me out" "ok what time?.......hold on.......hello" (Kevin clicks over even though he knows that the phone will hang up on Ricks end because this is not the first time Rick has been bailed out by Kevin) "Kevin?!" "Who is this?" "Don't worry about that bitch....tell your man the next time he put his hands on me that motherfucker is going to die a fatal death!!!!!" (hangs up the phone abruptly) "Hello....hello" Kevin hangs up the phone in a very angry manner. "Let me go get this fool" As Kevin was driving down to the precinct an old school song comes on the radio TLC hit "Scrub" and then "Unpretty" came on, and following after that "waterfalls" came on. "Oh shit three songs back to back to back, all songs that caught my soul and made me think of my relationship and the incident that just happened over the phone. You know what I'm just gonna let him read that letter and when he try's to talk that bull shit I'm not going to believe it. On the Radio- "An exclusive joint by Beyonce called ‘I can't take no more'" "Damn if this song did not come on at a more perfect time" At the time the song came on Kevin arrived at the precinct and he sat in the car until the song went off. "Hi I'm hear to bail Rick Stedmen Jones out" "Well his bail is set at five hundred dollars a cheap amount but his offense was not that vital" "Well what was he charged for?" "Indecent exposure and assault lucky the guy whom he assaulted does not want to press heavy charges against him." "Thank God, can I write out a check?" "Yes you can" "Hear you go" "Thank you just take this paper to the second floor office number three and they will release him" "Ok thank you very much" "Oh your welcome sexy" Kevin did as he was told and they did release Rick out. As they was walking out they walked past the officer again "Hey you be good Mr. Johnson or else we may have to book you again and this time it will be for much, much longer" "Yea whatever" "Thank you again" "No problem stop by again I will be here waiting" As the officer said that Rick caught the flirting and quickly put his hand on Kevin ass. "Punk ass nigga, I'll see you again" the officer said smiling canivingly

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