Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I can't tak no more: Chapter two

The ride home was one of complete silence. No questions, no talking, nothing, not even the radio was playing. All that is heard is the sound of the engine. As Kevin and Rick gets home, Rick quickly runs into the house and gets on the phone. Slowly after Kevin walks in looking just ready to cry. "Yo nigga why you put me in jail like that" Rick says into the phone.
"Damn you could not even wait or anything before calling that nigga"
"What you say baby"
"Naw I was just playing you know you my baby Rob. Hold on wife....a yo Kevin can you make me a sandwich with everything on it a nigga is hungry"
"Hell naw"
"I said Hell naw if you got enough strength to come in here jump on the phone with the nigga who put you in jail in the first place then you got that strength to go make you your own damn sandwich. And least we not forget this is not the first time I bailed your ass out"
"A yo shut the fuck up and go make my food before I come over there and bust you upside your head!!!"
"Nigga you just gonna have to do what you got to do cause I'm tired of taking your shit nigga" "Hold on baby" Rick walks over to Kevin sitting on the coach. He raise his hand but then quickly lowers it when he sees that Kevin is not shaking in fear as he usually did. "What the fuck got into you? You know you make me cheat right?"
"I make you cheat?"
"How Rick?"
"well you stop giving me the pussy and shit you know always complaining that your to tired and shit like what the fuck do you do all day but lay on your ass while I'm out working like a slave" "Oh your working like a slave, Nigga please. If you was working like a slave then we will not have past due bills, credit card debt will not be adding up, yeah that shit is happening but by the gracious of God we still have everything. I don't do shit Nigga look around, this fucking house has not a speck of dirt nor dust, look in that refrigerator filled to the breaking point, look at your clothes clean and folded, when you come home do you not have a hot meal waiting for you? do you not have that fucking flat screen already cued on to the games, not to mention there's a second flat screen so you can watch the basketball and football game at the same time. Look around fool who has done this me. Everyday for three years I have cooked, cleaned, and treated you like nothing but a king and what do you do cheat. Nigga I don't even leave the house unless I have to buy food or cleaning supplies. Nigga You got it made and at first I thought I had it too but now this nigga Rob comes in the picture gives you some ass and all of a sudden its bye bye to the guy who nursed you while you was sick, called your job to let them know you were not coming in, rub your ugly ass feet when they was hurt, ran you a hot bath, cooked your food, washed your clothes and your car. So yeah I deserve to be tired but that's not no type of an excuse to go out and cheat on me."
"Whatever nigga I'm going to go make my sandwich and when I came back you better be in the room naked"
"And if I'm not?"
"Listen I'm sorry, I love you now can you please just go upstairs and be naked for daddy?"
"OK" As Kevin started to walk up the stairs Rick runs to the phone and tells Rob to make sure he ready for daddy dick in about five minutes.

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