Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I can't take no more: chapter 5

The Phone calls
Well who should I call first Rafeek or Mark, lets go with Rafeek first. Kevin was a ittle nervous when calling these two men because this was all new to him. Befre this everything was set in stone s to speak for Kevin, and now he is going to be living wit a complete stranger. What questions do he ask? what informatin should he require?
"Hello this s Kevn mnay I speak with Rafeek?"
"This is he' Rafeek said with one of the most deep sensual voices that Kevin has ever heard.
"Well I am returning your call about the apartment"
"That's good so tell me about the apartment?"
"Well it is a two bedroom one bathroom apartment. It has a full kitchen, living room, dining room, and balcolny. It is fully furnished as well as the second bedroom. It has wall-to-wall carpeting, cable, laundry room insie the apartment, controlled access entry way, and close to public transportation and central air, and water is paid for. We split the bill of gas, electricity, rent, and food. Sounds good?'
"yeah but I have another question"
"sure what is it?"
"well how is my roommate?"
"well I am a great person to live with, I'm clean and like for my place to be clean, I cook, and work'
'thats well when can I see the place?"
"you can see it today if you would like"
"I would like that very much"
"well the address is 5515 Larchwood street apartment number 3. Just buzz me and I'll let you up"
'ok I will sexy"
Anticipating the visit from Rafeek, Kevin could not forget that he had to call Mark.
"Hello this is Kevin may I speak with Mark"
"Hold on" Kevin could hear all types of screams coming from the other end "Mark who the fuck is this Kevin nigga calling our house?"
"I don't know"
"Then how the fuck did he get the number and your damn name?"
"Baby please don't start with me"
"Don't start with you nigga please I am not even there yet first off why the fuck is some other nigga calling our house asking for you? you cheating on me again?"
After hearing that Kevin knew that Mark was nothing but drama so he quickly placed his phone back on the recevier. Kevin started t head for the kitchen to go make some snacks for his encounter until his phone rang.
"Hey Kevin this is Mark I'm sorry about what happened I'm going through a messy break-up"
"But look i am interested in the apartment, and would like to come see it"
"Sure you can"
"OK whats ya address"
"5515 Larchwood street apartment number 3"
"Aiight Imma be there"
Despit the drama that Kevin heard, he thought it would be in fair judgement that he let each prospective tenant get there fair share. Hey who knows he may be the best candidate.
Kevin finally went to the kitchen to get snacks prepared, he made finger sandwiches, chips, and drinks. He made sure the house was nice and clean and smelling good. Hey its what he did best. He quickly cleaned up both rooms and placed the refreshments on the dining room table. A little nervous but ready to get a roommate.
Bth guys arrived at the house at the same exact time, Kevin buzzed them in and was waiting at the door for them to arrive. Both handsome men arrived greating Kevin with a smile and a handshake. Rafeek was a sexy dark skin, 6'1, muscular built guy. He had some pretty white teeth and sexy lips. His pants were not saggy at all but yet still composed his masculinity. Mark on the other hand was a light skin, 5'9", thin guy. His pants where halfway off his ass, and he just looked ruff.
"So you guys come in have a look around, hold all questins to the end I will meet you in the dining room for some refreshments."
"Ok" They both said. Rafeek let Mark enter first and just looked at Kevin
"your not going to check the place out"
"yeah I am but yu are just strikingly sexy. I would like a personal tour"
"Sure. Lets Begin" Kevin showed Rafeek around the apartment forgetting that Mark was even there. Rafeek took every attempt he could to get Kevin alone. They both had this attraction towards each other that was just fantastic. Upon finishing the tour with Rafeek, Kevin noticed Mark sitting at the table snacking on some refreshments.
"Y these are realy good, I never had something so tasty in my life, yo my jawn don't cook like this maybe I need to make you my new jawn" Mark said trying to seductivly entice Kevin.
'Well thank you, but i do not think I am ready for another relationship just yet." Kevin knew he was lieing cause his every facet being was telling him to jump Rafeek bones.
"So tell what do yall do for a living"
"Well I am a street pharmacist" Mark said with confidence
"Me I am a professional dancer at night on the weekends and on weekdays I am a youth outreach counsulor"
"so how much do you make if you do not mind me asking?"
"well on a good day on the corner I can make $1,000"
"me from dancing in tips I make close to 1,500 on one day on the weekdays I get paid 560 a week"
"well Mark and Rafeek I would get back with the one I choose. Rafeek could you stay a little longer?"
"Mark I will be in touch" Kevin escourted Mark out the door and locked it.
"So Kevin why did you want me to stay?"
"I wanted to ask when can you move in?"
"Why me?"
"Well you are the best candidate for a roommate. You have your head on straight and have a great going lifestyle. Well your half of the rent will be 250, the half of the gas is 150, electricity half of it is 100, and grocery I go by we both make a list of things we would like individually and then the things we need together and the price will be divided from there."
"Sounds good. Well when do I get my key?"
"Today if you would like!"
"That would be great"
"OK you can follow me to my bedroom so I can get the keys"
" don't think that is good"
"because I may try to do something with you sexy"
"ok I'll go get the key. I will be right back."
"Ok I'll just be in the room designed for me, Whenever I move into a new place I like to get everything new and not keep old memories."
"OK I will be right there"

1 comment:

Blkstarline said...

Good story! Keep up the good work!!! Make sure you copyright all of yr work.
