Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I can't take no more: chapter 4

A week has passed and I have not felt more alive. I just got my first job at this accounting firm. It don't pay much just enough for me to at least pay half of the rent. I can't continue to live like this I have to get a roommate and this has to be done fast. Let me place this add in the papers. I would put it on Craigslist but I don't have the Internet any longer. "Looking for an apartment.......Don't mind having a roommate. Well look no further The perfect place is found. A two bedroom apartment already furnished and everything. If this sounds like something you like call 418-339-0087 and ask for Kevin." The time is now 8pm and Kevin just got off work. Look at this.....15 messages. "Hello Kevin I must take it your not home. Well my name is Rafeek and I read your ad in the Philadelphia Gay tribune. I know you live in the sub-burbs but I am willing to live out there. Well if you could give me a call back at 215-687-2130" Sounds promising Let me wright his name down. Message 2 "Hey Kevin this is Brandon and I just read you apartment ad in the paper and it sounds promising. right now I don't have a job at the moment but...." and delete i need someone with a job right now.... Message three "Hey Kev this is Mark well I found your number in the paper about the apartment. Call me back at 267-300-8879 right now I'm on my 15 minute break at work and my boss is a real bitch if I'm late." Message 4-14 were all the same "Hey Kevin yo man staying a week in this shit hole made me really think...." This better not be Rick "Well I take it you know its me Rick and I'm calling you to talk to you about us you know. Like I really miss you and I love you. Cheating on you was the stupidest move I could ever make you know. I really am thinking about all the things you have done for me and the way that I treated you. Yo I only have two minutes left so imma let you know I love you and I want you to visit me OK bye" Man fuck that nigga he ain't shit. Calling me its only been a week. Man he a little bitch I bet he want some money. I should go visit him but I got other things to do like get a roommate. Message 15 "Kevin this is your mother. Boy you better start calling me. I heard through the grapevine that you were having trouble with your love life and was in need of some financial money. You know you can call me as much money as I have I can loan you a couple hundred or whatever your my son and you better call me now." Aw my mommy let me call her "Hello"
"Hey mom hows it going"
"Boy hows it going you have not called me came to see me or even check to see if I was alive....Boy I ought to come out there and beat your ass like you was three."
"Mom I'm sorry"
"I'm not done yet. I heard about that boy beating on you and cheating and stuff and now he in jail...Boy now I told you about him I told you he was no good and that he would end up breaking your heart. Why don't kids listen to their parents at all we know from experience. And I know you are sitting their with the phone away from your ear right now but guess what I'm loud enough to know that you can still hear me. Kevin baby I love you you are my baby boy but I have to know whats going on. Did not call me in three months don't let this shit happen again. I know your looking for a roommate cause I stop talking to your landlord to let you slide on the rent and stuff and I've been paying your bills behind your back yeah that was me I was the grace of God to keep you in a heated house and all ....baby you know your room is the same way you left it if you ever feel the need to want to come back until you get back on your feet....Now you can talk"
"Mom hi I'm good I'm well....I have a job now and I am happy I am looking for a roommate yes and the search is going well. I have two people to call later tonight and schedule a interview. Mom I'm OK I don't need to come home I can manage my life now. Mom I thank you for doing what you did and I love you for it also. Mom I'm glade to hear that your doing fine and all. My love life is great being that I am single now and I am looking to go back to school for Interior Decorating so I'm ready to start my life a new."

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