Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I can't take no more: chapter 3

Its been three weeks now since you have been gone. After I walked up the stairs I just knew you were leaving, foolish of me to get turned on by your thugish appeal and belive you once again. Damn boy I still love you and can't get you off my mind. What am I going to do....Well i'm going to have to swallow my pride and get a job. Hope your having fun in there....don't drop the soap. Always but no longer yours,

Three weeks ago.....Rick "Who the fuck Kevin think he talking to...I'm the man around here and he the bitch. Stupid motherfucker. Making make my own food fuck this, I aint walking up them damn steps and having sex with that fool. Looking like he got something. I know he fucking around, punk mother fucker. Let me see this letter." Rick picks up the letter and walks to the stove and starts to burn the letter. " 'oh baby I got a letter for you' hahaha a letter my ass what he needs to do is fill out an application or something to occupy the time he waste. Everytime I come in this house its always smeeling like two motherfucking faggots lives here, smelling like fucking peaches and cream or apples and cinnamon. Fuck outta here with that fruity shit. Know what when I walk out this door I aint never coming the fuck back." Rick leaves and slams the door behind him. Thinking that Rick was going to come in but now realize that he left Kevin jumped up and had a sudden realization, this nigga was not worth wasteing time to please anymore. So he picks up the phone, puts on his most convincing voice, and dials 911.
"Hello 911 whats your emergency?" pretending that he is crying "someone just stole my car" "well where are you at?"
"i live at 3336 Newport Street"
"what kind of car is it?" "its a blue Chevy Impala. with tinted windows and gold trim on the side of the doors with the letters K and R"
"can you give me the License Plate number?"
"yes it is Y2K-3369"
"well sir when was it stolen?"
"I don't know I just walked outside for some fresh air and it was gone"
"well i'm sending patrols cars out to look for it stay in the house. If we shall find the one who done it would you like to press charges?"
"Hell Yes" Kevin starts to smile very evil like. He knows that if Rick gets back in jail for something as big as this he aint coming out for a while. And besides that Kevin knows that he's going to pick up some weed and maybe even cocain while on the way to Robs house, and to put the iceing on the cake Kevin bought an unmarked gun and placed it specifically in the glove department after whiping all his finger prints off of it.

In the car: "Now I know this nigga got some fucking muisic in this bitch" Rick goes to open the glove department and sees the gun "oh shit whats this...this nigga bought a gun. He probably was thinking about shooting a nigga. Jokes on that bitch I got the dick and the gun he my slave for ever." Ricks pulls out of the parking lot and did not notice Kevin stareing at him in the window while talking on the phone to the cops. As he started to speed off, Kevin went to the kitchen to finish making the sandwhich that rick once started on making. He then opicked up the phone and called his mom and started telling her what was going on and for help. She wired two thousand dollars to his account and that was all he knew he had to find a job quick. As Rick was driving down the highway and blasting Beyonce "Ring the Alarm" a cop car came up behind him. Their sirens turned on, and Rick pulled over. "Yes officer?"
"Can I see your Licsense and proof of insurance?"
"sure officer"
"stay here while I run this." The officer went back into his car and called the station informing them that the stolen car was founded and they will search it for any concealed wepons or drugs. "sir can you step out of the car while my partner checks the vehicle?" as Rick steped out, the officer positioned him on the car so that he can search him for anything. "sir do you have anything on you that could do me harm"
"no officer" As the cop started to check Rick his hand came upon something hard so he pulled it out. It was the GUN. "Sir i'm going to have to place you under aresst"
"But it aint mine like thats my friends its his car and he let me borrow it"
"Hey Mack look what else I found"
"Well looky here seems like we got a pound of marijuana"
"Thats not mine either I don't even smoke"
"Yeah tell it to the Judge...you have the right to remain silent anything you say will be held against you in the court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you do not have an attorney then one will be appointed for you....."


The Hearing: "Rick Stedmen Jones you are here by prosecuted with possesion of a deadly weapon, posseion of marijuana, and grand theft auto, how do you plead."
"Do you have any witnesses to alibi your action choice of words?"
"No your honor"
"District Attorney do you have any witness?"
"Yes your honor I would like to call Kevin Jamal James to the stand"
"Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"
"I do"
"Mr. James is it true that on the day in question Mr. Jones unlawfully took your car?"
"yes it is"
"No futhur questions your honor"
"Mr. Jones the court here by charge you guilty of posseision of marijuana and a conceled weapon, and also grand theft auto and the court also sentences you to 6 years imprisonment without the possibility of parol." As Kevin listened to the verdict a smile of victory whiped across his face and at that point Rick turned to him and gave him the evil eye. All Kevin could do was whisper "I'll Write you Boo" and blew him a kiss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome

sexypharoah69 from BGC